A beautiful new case for my Raspberry Pi B+
I recently decided it was time to spruce up my Raspberry Pi B+ a bit and looked around for a new case to replace the downright ugly solid black one I’ve been using all this time.
I wanted a case which would let me both show off the Raspberry Pi itself and be elegant at the same time. I ended up finding the C4 Labs Zebra Bold case which from the pictures seemed to fit the bill perfectly.
Since I’ve been over-clocking the Pi and using it as a media center via OSMC lately I also decided to pick up some Addicore aluminum heat sinks. I figured it would look very nice with the Zebra Bold case and more importantly help a bit with the temperature.
I received the parts today and I am very pleased with how everything turned out.
The C4 Labs Zebra Bold has a very nice build quality and I highly recommend it to anyone on the market for a new Raspberry Pi B+ or 2 case. Additionally, the aluminum heat sinks did help with the overall aesthetics and decreased the temperature by five degrees.
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