Returning to my buckling spring roots with the Unicomp Ultra Classic


I should preface this to say that I am a huge proponent of mechanical keyboards.

For those of you who are not familiar with them; there are two types of keyboards which are mechanical and membrane.

The most common type are keyboards which use membranes and rubber domes which when used together complete a circuit as you press down on a key as they are very cheap for manufacturers to make and for consumers to buy.

Mechanical keyboards on the other hand use actual physical switches and springs underneath their keys. Depending on the switch used they also generally give you nice tactile and audible feedback when you press them.

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Screenshots for March 2015

I made some screenshots recently for a few screenshot threads on a couple communities that I am part of and I figured I’d post them here as well in order to add a little more content. :P

Android Configuration - 2015

This is a list of Android applications that I have installed on my Android device which I recommend.

Note: If an application doesn’t have a URL attached to its name, then it doesn’t have an actual website dedicated to it.

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